The setting is the fictional animation studio known as Joey Drew Studios, where Henry is a retired animator receiving a letter to come back to his old workplace, which is where all sorts of strange happenings start to arise. The game has a vintage look and feels that has been received very well by fans and critics alike, and it has interesting and unique gameplay, as well as a cool story.
Our website just keeps on diversifying its already big range of categories, as our administrative team right now is very excited to have added for everyone the category known as Bendy Games, a category based around the franchise that started around the Bendy and the Ink Machine video game, an indie video game which became really popular all at once a few years back, and who now has multiple online games inspired by it, games you no longer need to search hard for since they are one click away on our website! Learn more about the Bendy series, right now!īendy and the Ink Machine is the game that started this series, with it having launched in 2017 as an episodic FP survival horror game, first released on GameJolt, and then on consoles as well, making it even more popular.